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Scritti di Vassula su temi diversi
Profezie per questa fine dei tempi che si stanno realizzando
Lettera di Vassula sul papa
La Cattedra di Pietro
Dopo il disastro dello tsunami nel Sud Est Asiatico del Dicembre 2004, Vassula scrive riguardo delle profezie
Heaven is Real But So is Hell
A message from Vassula about the launch of her NEW BOOK, "Heaven is Real, But So is Hell"
September 11th Prophecy
by Vassula, Rome, January 10, 2002
Discerning Obedience
Vassula writes on the need to discern whether what is being asked or demanded of us is in accordance with God's Will, October 2001
Iceland Volcano, Prophecy Update and Explanation From Vassula
Vassula Ryden, April 24, 2010
15th Anniversary of TRUE LIFE IN GOD
Vassula writes a letter to readers and workers in the True Life in God Apostolate on 28th November, 2000
The Real Message of True Life in God
Written by Vassula in May 1997
Beware the Jezebel Spirit
by Vassula Ryden, December 2004
The Blasphemy to the Holy Spirit
A reminder to all those who fearlessly persecute the merciful call of God

Una selezione di messaggi

Selected speeches from Vassula and various other contributors listed in chronological order

Scritti di Vassula su temi diversi

Essays and other writings from various contributors on various subjects

A NEW project undertaken in Nov 2006. Collection of recorded miracles associated with Vassula and TLIG

Riflessioni sui Messaggi
Meditazioni puntuali, riflessioni e commenti su alcuni Messaggi

Prayer Groups
TLIG Prayer Groups and Associations

Pellegrinaggi e Ritiri
Pellegrinaggi e Ritiri passati e futuri della Vera Vita in Dio

Articles and Inspirations related to prophecy

The Passion
Vassula experiences Jesus' Passion


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