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Italian » Spiritualità » Pellegrinaggi e Ritiri » Rhodes, Greece 2010 »

Rhodes, Greece 2010
330 people from 33 countries gather in Rhodes, Greece for a retreat focused on understanding and protecting ourselves from Satan, demons and evil spirits.
Video of Vassula's Speech
Vassula speaks about the reality of hell and the devil.
Vassula's Speech
Vassula speaks about the reality of hell and the devil.

Una selezione di messaggi

Selected speeches from Vassula and various other contributors listed in chronological order

Scritti di Vassula su temi diversi

Essays and other writings from various contributors on various subjects

A NEW project undertaken in Nov 2006. Collection of recorded miracles associated with Vassula and TLIG

Riflessioni sui Messaggi
Meditazioni puntuali, riflessioni e commenti su alcuni Messaggi

Prayer Groups
TLIG Prayer Groups and Associations

Pellegrinaggi e Ritiri
Pellegrinaggi e Ritiri passati e futuri della Vera Vita in Dio

Articles and Inspirations related to prophecy

The Passion
Vassula experiences Jesus' Passion


Ho condotto le genti che non Mi conoscevano, a conoscerMi e ad amarMi

Il Mio Regno in voi

Ricerca veloce

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