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Creating Regional Chapters to Help Evangelization and Prayer Groups

The USA Model. Spring 2006.

Goal: Spread the Messages more effectively.


Problem: The United States is a huge country. Centralized coordination slows down the progress of Evangelization, Prayer Groups and propagation of the Messages.

Solution: Establish regional "chapters" or just plain old "regions" with people responsible for those areas, thus creating much more focus and effectiveness.

Quick Summary

What we did:

  1. Defined the geographic areas.
  2. Identified potential people to take responsibility of those regions.
  3. Defined and assigned responsibility to those people.
  4. Contacted them to see if they were up for the job.
  5. Created method of accountability.

What we focused on:

  1. Form Prayer Groups
  2. Organize witness meetings and book tables events
  3. Stock books and materials
  4. Hold retreats every so often
  5. Prison evangelization where possible
  6. Attend international pilgrimages and retreats
  7. Send in monthly reports

For further information, send an email to the regional contacts in the USA.

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        Bjud in ett vittne
        Video om hur man organiserar ett vittnesmöte
        Hur kan mitt land bli bättre organiserat?
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