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2013 Reports
Vassula’s mission in Cyprus
Oct 14-19, 2013
Vassula in USA March-April 2013
Heaven is Real But so is Hell: An Eyewitness Account of what is to Come. A wondrous journey through Vassula's life where she speaks about the unique charism God has granted her to communicate with the supernatural world
Vassula in the USA May-June 2013
Vassula's second trip to the USA to promote her new book "Heaven is Real, but so is Hell" took place in May and June 2013 and consisted of public meetings, "town halls" along with television and radio programs
Canada and USA November 2013
“Oh Beloved of the Father, I have opened the door of my heart, will I have to wait very long before You step in my chambers?” (November 11, 1993)

Vassula's Upcoming Events
List of Vassula's upcoming public events and meetings

Vassula's Worldwide Meetings
List of all past meetings

Relazioni degli incontri di Vassula
Relazioni dettagliate di alcuni degli incontri passati di Vassula.

The echos of the Echo ... Witness meetings and an invitation from Jesus to evangelise

Summary of what the Foundation for True Life in God is all about, the reason for its creation, the mission it has been entrusted with and formalities of importance

Dono all'Associazione



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